Saint Lucy’s Day
Enjoy the festive songs of the North
The young scholar society “Norden” invites everyone to a unique concert to celebrate Saint Lucy’s Day
Experience Christmas songs in five languages – Norwegian , Swedish
, Danish
, Finnish
and Icelandic
Take part in the candlelight procession and conclude the event with a memorable Christmas sweets tasting
An afternoon like this only happens once a year
We look forward to seeing you on 12 December at 3:30 p.m. in the main hall of Collegium Novum.
Saint Lucy’s Day (Luciadagen), celebrated on the 13th of December, is one of Sweden’s most important holidays. On this day, there are candlelight processions through the streets, schools, and institutions. At the head of each procession is a young girl dressed in white who plays the role of Saint Lucy, a symbol of light that brightens the darkness of frosty December nights. Come and see it for yourself! The young scholar society “Norden”
Wydział Neofilologii UAM Katedra Skandynawistyki UAM