Park Cytadela
This is a large park that is located on the ruins of a former military fort, which was the scene of some of the last fights between the Soviets and the remnants of the German army that took place on the territory of Poznan during World War II. Very few traces of the former fortifications remain in the park. The entire area of the former fort has been transformed into a vast park, which is now a good walking spot for Poznan residents and all incoming visitors.
Large park with diverse flora and many walking trails.
Museums (There are two museums in the park, which are branches of the Greater Poland Museum of Independence.)
Sculptures (There are many sculptures in the park, some of them remains of the country’s communist past, which are part of the history of Poznan. There are also newer sculptures, the result of the work of various artists whose diverse styles are hidden in various locations within the park.)
Remains of the Fort (There are very few remains of the old fortification, that could be seen today.)