Gallery of Painting and Sculpture

Gallery of Paintings and Sculptures

In the heart of the city stands a magnificent eclectic building from 1904, which together with its new wing houses the excellent Painting and Sculpture Gallery of the National Museum in Poznań. The rich collections of art from ancient times to the present are presented here.

Regular12 PLN*
Discounted8 PLN*
Children and young people studying / 7-26 years old1 PLN*
Tuesday0 PLN*

  *Check the details at the reception desk.

Polish art is represented by works from the Middle Ages to the 20th century with the characteristic Polish Baroque collection of effigies, as well as by works of masters of later centuries, including Jacek Malczewski, Stanisław Wyspiański and Jan Matejko. Western European art also has its place here – Dutch painting with works by Quentin Massys and Joos van Cleve, and Flemish and Dutch paintings by Jan van Goyen, Salomon Ruysdael and Willem Claesz Heda. Equally presented are: Italian painting by Sofonisba Anguissola, Bronzino, Bellini and Strozzi, German painting from the first half of the 19th century with canvases by Arnold Böcklin, Johann Overbeck and the only collection of Spanish painting in Poland with masterpieces by Zurbarán, Ribera and Velázquez.

Gallery of Painting and Sculpture

Aleje Marcinkowskiego 9, 61-745 Poznań


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